What does a typical day look like at the DC Summer STEM Academy?

Below is a sample schedule for a day at the DC STEM Academy:

MATH INSTRUCTION SESSION (10:30 am - 12 pm:) Students explore a variety of math enrichment topics to enhance their problem-solving skills and capacity to handle non-routine problems. Puzzlers and brain teases help students develop flexibility in approaching problems whose solutions are not readily apparent. Material is customized for students’ developmental level and age to challenge them comfortably.

LUNCH BREAK WITH STEM VIDEO OPTION (12 PM - 12:45 PM). - Students have the option of either taking a screen break, or watching STEM-related videos curated by our staff.

KAHOOT GAME (12:45 pm - 1:00 PM) - Students play a Kahoot! game based on material from science, math and technology developed by our staff.

CODING INSTRUCTION SESSION (1:00 pm - 2:15 pm) - Students learn computer programming techniques for an experienced lead instructor provided by Microsoft, with support from a teaching assistant. They develop computer games using these coding techniques.

I GAME TIME (2:15 pm - 2:55 pm):  Students participate in a host of fun online games that employ mathematical logic and strategy.  Students sign up for games and tournaments earlier in the afternoon to ensure expeditious assignment of campers to various Zoom breakout rooms where these games are played.

CLOSING/DISMISSAL (2:55 pm - 3 pm) - Instructors debrief about the day with students, make announcements about upcoming activities, lessons, and competitions.