How can I register?

You can register in two easy steps. Registration is not complete until BOTH steps (the form and payment) are completed.

  1. STEP 1: Fill out the form below.

    Be sure to fill out all fields, and click the SUBMIT button when done. You will get a response “Thank You!” on the screen indicating that your submission has been received. Note that spots will be filled on a “first come, first served” basis, and we have a limited number of slots, so register as soon as possible to secure your child’s spot!!

2. STEP 2: Make the $75 tuition payment.*

After you have filled out the form below, send the $75 fee via PayPal (use to complete the registration. You may use also Venmo (use @dcsummermath). When making the payment on either PayPal or Venmo, be sure to use Friends and Family instead of tagging the payment as a Purchase for Goods and Services, or you will have to pay an extra 2% transaction fee.

*Partial and full scholarships available on a limited basis. Please contact our scholarship coordinator, Dr. Aprille Ericsson, at if you feel that the fee would prohibit your child from attending the program.

DCSSA Registration Form